Coordinators are often invited by principals to give presentations on topics such as rape and drugs in both primary and secondary schools. Coordinators answer questions and hand out leaflets afterwards, and children often come forward to report abuse after the talks. As a consequence of contacts between coordinators and schools, teachers report crimes to the support centres.
Dineo Moshoeshoe, May 2008: Invitation by Primary School to Speak about Rape
On 3rd May 2008, I visited Nichols Primary School, having been invited by the school principal, Mrs Chonco. I gave a “Rape Awareness” presentation to Grades R to 2. 
I would never have thought that these youngsters would have so much knowledge. The questions that they posed to me were very deep.
There was one in particular that I would like to share: “What if you are raped and kidnapped and taken to a house with no windows and as a victim no one can hear you crying and then come to your rescue. The period of 72 hours passes by and then how are you going to be treated with prophylactics?”
Dudu Basi, Jan 2008: Presentation on Drugs and HIV
This school presentation was initiated by Constable Msomi of the SAPS. The topic was Drugs and HIV. There were 289 learners and 5 teachers at the presentation. I divided the learners into four groups and gave them ten questions on drugs and HIV to answer, as a pre-test. All the learners wrote answers to the questions.
(Left) A learner asks a question during a presentation in Ixopo
After the presentation pamphlets were distributed among the participants and they asked us to come back and to conduct another presentation. They even gave us the topics – Rape and Human Rights.
Phumzile Zuma, May 2008: Child Reports Abus
I visited Nhlanhleni Combined School at Emakholweni. It was an on-call visit after a community member reported that a child at the school is being sexually abused at her home. The child is 15 years old. The person who reported the abuse does not want to be identified.
When I spoke to the child she told me that her uncle started raping her when she was 11 years of age. The child reported the matter to a relative of the abuser but was told that small children are not allowed to open cases. She was also told that they would talk to this man and he would pay a cow in damages.
The child told me that she wanted the abuser to be arrested. Fortunately the police were present. I asked the social worker to assist in the matter. The man was arrested and he is still in custody.