“Now I do not always think of hitting my wife when we have an argument.”
- Ekuvukeni community member, after attending a presentation
Community presentations are conducted by coordinators at venues such as community halls, police stations, clinics and taverns in order to raise awareness and provide information about legal rights. These activities are done through liaising with community-based organisations and partners such as police, social workers, traditional leaders, community policing forums, local councils, and women’s clubs. Coordinators usually initiate these, but are also invited to give talks alongside partners.
Community members have said that it has become easier to identify abuse related to the presentation they had attended: “The workshops have taken away the shackles from us – amaworkshop asikhululile.”
In 2011, coordinators gave 26 community presentations that were attended by 1,242 people.
Coordinator Thabisile Miya, Aug 2010: “Women’s attitudes have changed. They have become empowered to speak out and claim their rights.”
Sept-Oct 2008, Zodwa Maramane: Presentation on HIV/AIDS
I conducted a presentation with the workers on the water project. Here in Impendle there are people from Port
Shepstone working on projects, road builders from far away etc. There are many people working for these contractors. People, and even young children, are sleeping around and staying in the workers’ compounds and it is a mess.
(Right) A coordinator conducts a presentation in a tavern in Taylor’s Halt near Pietermaritzburg
I warned them about sleeping around with young children. I also told them that Impendle is too small for people not to know what is happening and it is a disgrace. They were shocked. They promised to look after themselves and they will come to me for more information on HIV and AIDS.
Zodwa Maramane, Mar-Apr 2008: Presentation on the Maintenance Act at a Taxi Rank
One presentation was conducted at a taxi rank because one of the taxi drivers asked me for advice on the Maintenance Act. I thought that maybe other drivers need to know this act too. I had done a presentation here before but many are new drivers.
We talked and they asked me why they have to pay maintenance because they are not registered and they earn as little as R450 a week. I told them that for as long as they have an income, they have to pay maintenance. They asked me what would happen if they left their jobs and I told them that their property can be attached by the court and sold and the proceeds would be used to support their children.
“The relationship between me and my husband has improved greatly. He does not beat me anymore and he even gives me money to buy cosmetics. I feel like a real woman and a wife in my house”
- Client in Plessislaer after her husband attended a presentation