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R66 000 Obtained in Death Benefits with CCJ’s Help
2011/02/17 11:32:52 AM

On 16th February 2011 Bergville coordinator Fisani Ngcobo (right) received good news about two of her clients. In October last year they had approached her about their deceased mother’s provident fund, which they were having difficulty accessing. Their mother had been contributing to the fund before she died in 2004, but the fund had not made payments to her two daughters, as they were entitled. Having dealt with the mother’s company but been unable to claim the death benefits, the two daughters approached Fisani for help.
She gathered the documents that they needed, such as birth certificates, bank details and affidavits stating their ages, and in December of last year reapplied for the money to be released. She followed up the application in January, and in mid-February heard from her happy clients that they had each received R33 000 from their mother’s fund.
The case illustrates a common problem: many people are unable to obtain payments that they are entitled to, owing to their lack of knowledge of what is required and inefficiency from some service providers. Clients often approach CCJ for help as a last resort. About one third of CCJ’s cases concerns facilitating these kinds of payments, such as pensions, grants and death benefits.